Sample preparation
Millers, fraction collectors, mixers, shakers, tablet press, etc.
Sample destruction
- microwave
- high pressure asher
- automatic bead machine
- bomb combustion
Spectrofotometric flow through system
Elemental analyses
X-ray fluorescence (XRF) (screening)
- Energy dispersive (ED)-XRF
- Wavelength dispersive (WD)-XRF
- Micro (ยต)-XRF
Inductive coupled plasma (ICP) (ppb en sub-ppb level)
- ICP- atomic emmision spectrometry (AES)
- IC-ICP-mass spectrometry (MS)
- High resolution (HR)-ICP-MS
Mercury analyses
- Atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS) (liquids)
- Atomic adsorption spectrometry (AAS) (solids)
Metal analyses
- Differential pulse anodic stripping voltametry (DP-ASV)
Combustion elemental analyses (C,H,N,S)
The above mentioned instruments are being used for:
- method development and optimization
- (non)-routine analyses
- independent method evaluation
- scientific support of R&D projects
- training and advise
More information on the available analytical services can be found here (Services)